Tuesday 20 August 2019

I've been thinking about travelling

Hello diary, how long has it been? Two years is it? You Know, I've even forgotten I made you.  Until I get a reply to one of my posts here ranking first on Google search that is, which in itself happens so rarely you're forgotten way more than you're not - which I think is because I'm not really a "diary" type of person.

Anyway, I hope you're all good. Lately, I've been thinking about going on a vacation in a few European countries, notably Spain and Italy, there are others of course.... I hope it is okay to speak the truth, yes? I think beautiful women have been the primary motivator, not opportunities; which is kinda weird and absurd if you come to the root of it and look at my condition. Heck! I shouldn't even be thinking about women - Why did I even start writing this? now it's all beautiful Spanish girls in my head again.

Anyway, I kinda found out about a very useful website today, maybe it was meant to come my way. Maybe fantasies are about to become reality? Timbu, though still very new I believe, it lists hotels in any city you search, I stay in Enugu by the way, and I kinda found very good hotels in Enugu, check it out if you're interested. I hope it starts listing hostels in Spain soon, I'll see you when it does - I pray it won't take long.

Thursday 30 March 2017

How to deactivate voicemail on airtel, very easy

Maybe, just as I did, many guys guys may have one way or the other, got entangled into what they could not come out from without some serious external help!!
I activated the airtel voicemail on my sim without knowing what it mean't or how it works, infact I activated it to see how voicemail really works, when it was time to get out?? ALAS, THERE WAS NO WAY OUT!!
But not to bore you with too many stories( we ain't here for story telling), Here is a code to deactivate voicemail on your airtel sim, very easy - dial #002# on your sim.
what if it dosen't work??
Then contact customer care-line with 190(correct number) not 121 or 111.

Friday 17 February 2017

Christian Ronaldo to worth $1bn

Cristiano Ronaldo has signed a deal with Nike reported to be worth around $1 billion having generated over $500 million in revenue for the manufacturing giants in 2016.

The Real Madrid star posted 1,703 times overall on social media in 2016, generating 2.25 billion interactions, according to Hookit, to his 260 million followers across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Nike was referenced or had its logo visible in 347 of the posts, which had 477 million interactions, while Ronaldo's top post in 2016 earned Nike an eye-watering $5.8 million in media value.