Tuesday 20 August 2019

I've been thinking about travelling

Hello diary, how long has it been? Two years is it? You Know, I've even forgotten I made you.  Until I get a reply to one of my posts here ranking first on Google search that is, which in itself happens so rarely you're forgotten way more than you're not - which I think is because I'm not really a "diary" type of person.

Anyway, I hope you're all good. Lately, I've been thinking about going on a vacation in a few European countries, notably Spain and Italy, there are others of course.... I hope it is okay to speak the truth, yes? I think beautiful women have been the primary motivator, not opportunities; which is kinda weird and absurd if you come to the root of it and look at my condition. Heck! I shouldn't even be thinking about women - Why did I even start writing this? now it's all beautiful Spanish girls in my head again.

Anyway, I kinda found out about a very useful website today, maybe it was meant to come my way. Maybe fantasies are about to become reality? Timbu, though still very new I believe, it lists hotels in any city you search, I stay in Enugu by the way, and I kinda found very good hotels in Enugu, check it out if you're interested. I hope it starts listing hostels in Spain soon, I'll see you when it does - I pray it won't take long.

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